How Long Does Aeroseal Duct Sealing Last?

Understandably, when considering investing in an expensive service like Aeroseal, questions arise about its durability and effectiveness. The good news is that many endurance tests have shown that it will last up to 40 years, with a 10-year warranty from manufacturers. In addition, as Aeroseal's certified air duct technicians, DuctMedic is qualified to execute a program created by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) called “Duct Investor”. This program draws up an exhaustive list of variables and provides a homeowner with the best available estimate of what they should obtain in terms of savings of costs.

Aeroseal is a highly advanced sealant that provides a more complete sealing of cracks and voids in ducts. It has been tested to withstand 100,000 cycles under more severe temperatures and pressures than those found in duct systems. Diagnostic measurement provides a scientifically valid means of understanding the performance of your air duct system. When air ducts have cracks, dirt, dander, dust, allergens, moisture, pollen and contaminants can enter the air. Duct sealing in commercial buildings saves energy cost-effectively, improves air balance and thermal distribution (comfort and ventilation), helps comply with building codes and reduces cross contamination between different areas of the building (i.e., the vast majority of what is left in the duct system is VAP, which has been used in water-based paints, adhesives and hairsprays).

Leaky return air ducts carry dust and other contaminants from indoor air and send them to the central heating and cooling system. Yes, Aeroseal can be used to seal sheet metal HVAC ducts lined with concrete slabs in the right conditions. As a rough estimate, excluding any of the non-energy benefits of duct sealing, simple amortization times typically range from 1 to 4 years and the return on investment between 30 and 70%. Aeroseal duct sealant has a ten-year warranty, but don't confuse it with its much longer lifespan. The lifespan of a flexible duct is extended, vermin penetrate it (or the duct rusts), and then the broken duct is replaced. The dry sealing material mainly contains two chemicals: vinyl acetate polymer (VAP) and 2-ethyl-1 hexanol (2E1H).

The sealing particles reach the leak points (voids, joints, joints) of the ducts and are fixed to the edge of the opening and begin to create a seal. Plus, sealing ducts is the best home improvement you can do from an energy standpoint. In conclusion, Aeroseal is an effective solution for sealing air ducts that can last up to 40 years with a 10-year warranty from manufacturers. It provides a more complete sealing of cracks and voids in ducts while saving energy cost-effectively. It also helps comply with building codes and reduces cross contamination between different areas of the building.

Plus, it has a ten-year warranty but don't confuse it with its much longer lifespan.

Claudette Rastetter
Claudette Rastetter

Total bacon ninja. General music junkie. Proud beer specialist. Hipster-friendly travel specialist. Award-winning pop culture specialist.

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