Do HVAC Ducts Need to be Sealed? A Comprehensive Guide to Sealing Air Ducts

To ensure that air does not escape and cause energy and money loss, it is essential to seal the ducts along the entire length of the duct system. Air leaks in the ductwork system can be particularly costly in larger commercial buildings. The best way to seal ducts is to hire a professional to internally seal the entire duct system. However, if you are a homeowner who likes DIY projects, you can buy putty duct sealant and clean the outside of the air ducts before applying it.

Putty duct sealant is a reliable method that has been used to seal air ducts. It is a thick, pasty substance that can be applied to voids and leaks in ducts with a caulking gun and a brush. On average, a home loses 20 to 30% of the air that passes through the duct system due to leaks, holes, and poor connections. Leaks in the air duct will allow cold or warm air to escape before it reaches the desired living spaces in the house.

When you call an HVAC specialist to inspect your air conditioning system, they will check your air ducts for any issues. Sealing air ducts can save you money as it prevents air from escaping through the ducts before reaching the vents. It also prevents heat loss or gain due to lack of insulation. Sealing ducts can be difficult as they are often hidden in walls, attics, basements, and low spaces, making them hard to access.

Butyl adhesive tape and oriented polypropylene (OPP) tape are good options as they create a strong seal around duct joints and are highly durable. Air ducts provide an efficient way for air conditioning in your HVAC equipment to flow into different rooms. If you hire a company like Aeroseal to seal your air ducts, you will be able to recoup the additional cost within 3-4 years. In homes with forced-air heating and cooling systems, ducts are used to distribute air conditioning throughout the house.

If all repairs have been done but the ducts are still leaking, call an HVAC specialist to help you seal them so your home stays comfortable all year round. Your home's ducts carry hot or cold air from your oven's air controller to every room in your house. Using inefficient adhesive tape applications can shorten the life of your HVAC system, so adhesive tape should only be used as a temporary solution. A well-designed and properly sealed ductwork system can make your home more comfortable, energy efficient, and safe.

Sealing your HVAC ducts is an important step in ensuring that your home is energy efficient and comfortable all year round. By hiring a professional or using putty sealant yourself, you can save money on energy bills and keep your home safe from potential hazards caused by leaking air.

Claudette Rastetter
Claudette Rastetter

Total bacon ninja. General music junkie. Proud beer specialist. Hipster-friendly travel specialist. Award-winning pop culture specialist.

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